Tuesday, February 9, 2010

life changes

6 years ago I set out on a journey to start a photography business. I spent many hour behind the camera and in front of the computer. It was my DREAM! Looking back it has been an amazing experience.

As my children were born my passion shifted towards motherhood. The moments that I usually would be at the computer were slowly being replaced with moments playing with my kids.

In 2009 my children started school and I lost 100lbs and my passion moved towards my family, friends and my health. I feel that no matter how much I love photography I love these things so much more.

February 2010, I decided that I would work outside my home to ensure that I will have more time with my loved ones on weekends and holidays. As the life of a photographer is during these precious times.

I will never put down my camera and will never let my creative side die, but the decision to end my business is for the right reason. My children are only young once and I want to spend as much time with them and watch them grow.

I want to thank you all for the fun times and sharing my dream. Each client has taught me so much and I will cherish each amazing moment.

Love Ya!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

See you in 2010

image of me by

I want to thank all my wonderful friends/clients for making 2009 such an awesome year. I am looking forward to a super ridiculous amazing 2010, with the announcement of my new
triple "B" photography.

Happy Holidays
Love Melina

Rider Ornaments 2009

I created these Roughrider ornaments with watermelon jelly belly beans and some Rider stickers on each side. On each sticker I covered them with diamond glaze to give the sticker some dimension and hold.



Wow! Nice smile

This little man had the greatest facial expressions


super boy

I truly love these candid moments of laughter


Love this smile

I love to create 4x6 hoilday cards too


super cute girls

It was so cold but, these guys braved the cold